2021 What’s new already!

We have News!

So, we’ve hit February 2021 already, and we would love to share a few Camtech News items with you.

Firstly, we like to say how very fortunate we are feeling. As a supplier to the UK Building Industry, we’ve been encouraged to maintain our operations, albeit in a Covid-Safe manner, but otherwise, things are as near ‘normal’ as you could expect or wish for.

We’re busy, busy, which is how we like it, and our supply-chain partners are doing a magnificent job keeping up with the demand for great products.

News. . .yes, here are the changes at Camtech

[info_list icon_color=”#8caedc” font_size_icon=”24″ eg_br_width=”1″ connector_color=”#8caedc” connector_animation=”fadeInUp”][info_list_item list_title=”New Website” list_icon=”Defaults-bullhorn”]We have an updated and refreshed website – check it out here www.camtechbp.co.uk[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”New Facing Bricks” list_icon=”Defaults-bullhorn”]We’ve added three stunning new grey bricks to our premier range. You can find them in our new Brick Index.[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Strategic Partnership” list_icon=”Defaults-bullhorn”]We’re delighted to announce that Caprice Baksteen has chosen Camtech as their strategic partner and sole distributor of their brick products in the United Kingdom and Ireland.[/info_list_item][/info_list]

What stays the same? - reassuringly, we are still Camtech.

We want to help you make informed decisions and find the right solution for your business, customers or project; after all, it’s much more than just a product, Right!

We don’t build houses – but we do build five* business relationships.